About us

The wholesaler and supplier company Artek Manufacturing Services s.r.l. located in Romania Europe produces in its own factory the following decorative trimming elements for the fashion clothing industry:

  • self fabric covered belts width 1cm to 10 cm with eyelets and covered buckles ,metalic buckles ,poliester buckles,stiched or non-stiched,with pu leather or tnt backing on white, black,gold,silver,red etc in any finish and details(www.artekcoveredbelts.com/covered-BELTS)
  • fabric covered buckles width 1cm to 10 cm with prong in any finish using Astor components(donau,colorado,wienn, mosel, tigris,tajo,garrone,nill,dresden,neckar,hudson,wolga,new york hs,tigris,rhein,seine,tiber,loire,congo,ebro,fulda,rhone,rio,themse,berlin) and also Europe made components (www.artekcoveredbelts.com/covered-BUCKLES
  • covered buttons from 12L to 70L in any model using Astor components( bombe dome buttons,bombe dome plain ring buttons,half ball buttons,flat buttons,double -A- flat buttons,pearl button,Madeleine buttons, Susanne buttons,Yvette buttons,Yvette flat buttons,Yvonne buttons,square buttons, Cindy buttons ,Anne buttons) and also Europe made components(www.artekcoveredbelts.com/covered-BUTOONS)
  • leather and faux leather (www.artekcoveredbelts.com/faux-leather-for-belts)decorative fashion belts width 1 cm to 10 cm for men,women and kids clothing ,any type of model with elastic,snap buttons,metalic buckles, covered buckles,bows,flowers,embroidery,printed.
  • fabric flowers for decorative use by stich or by pin brooches 
  • brandenburg,leatherette,pu toogles,fasteners,enclosure,motifs (www.artekcoveredbelts.com/PU-toogles-and-fasteners)
  • metalic zippers 
  • metalic and poliester fashion accesories 
  • embroidery 
  • necklines                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        We offer seriousness and guarantee quality. We produce exactely according to the customer wish. We ship and delivery orders in time accroding with the customer requirements, for futher details please contact us.

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